Posted on September 28, 2021 || News
Say goodbye to small tiles and bid adieu to the conventional styles of interior decorating. There is a new trend in town and is set to change the way you see large surfaces in your home. Using large slabs, with sizes reaching up to 1.6m in width and over 3m in length, revolutionizes the decorative tile industry and signals a victory of aesthetics over the limitations of technology.
Such an idea, to use one large slab instead of many smaller ones, was not possible a few ago but when style demands it technology will find a way to provide it.
Check out the Delight series by Lea!
The most obvious benefit of using larger slabs is of course the most visible one. An uninterrupted, single surface, with no seams to break the tile design, thus achieving an exceptional result that showcases your style in the best way possible. No longer are you limited to a single tile design to be repeated over and over (something that practically forced a lot of homeowners to go with a monochromatic style that didn’t reflect their character). A larger slab allows for a bigger, more complex and ultimately much more striking design that takes up all of the space and is not condensed to a single tile, repeated over and over again.
Want to see how a single slab can combine both wall and flooring into a uniform design? Have a look here!
Big slabs are also available in a variety of materials, from often used marble and porcelain, to metal and cement for a more industrial look and even a more natural look using wood.
While not ideal for all rooms, large slabs are definitely an option for larger rooms, especially if you are going with a minimalistic style for your home. Two areas that are begging for large slabs to be used are the kitchen and bathroom.
Carefully positioned slabs in the kitchen, along with a kitchen island that can hide as much of the seam as possible, will give the impression of a single, unified surface covering the whole of the kitchen floor. Plus, you can also use big slabs for countertops, the island top or even the whole island!
How does a kitchen island look with single slabs? No need to use your imagination, we have pictures!
The bathroom is the other room where a large slab can fully be appreciated. Pairing a white marble slab adorned with a black pattern design, with elegant metallic mixers and a classic bathtub make for a stunning result.
How stunning? See for yourself!
And big slabs can be used not only for flooring, but for walls as well, amplifying the visual and enhancing the design even more.
Setting the design part aside, large slabs also have a few practical benefits. Provided that the contractor was notified beforehand so arrangements can be made, installing a single slab is much faster than covering the area with individual tiles. Also, less grouting makes it both far easier to clean and maintain and increases its sturdiness, durability and resistance to breakage.
How does a slab look on a wall? Check it out!
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